I’ve lived in Florence for 22 years
I speak English, Italian and some French, Spanish
I am Student
My name is Jacopo, twenty-five, I work in political communication. I’ve lived in the US, The Netherlands, and Germany, before moving back to my be-loved Florence a couple of years ago. Love traveling: whenever I have some free time, I do not hesitate to pack my backpack and go exploring. Bus, train, airplane, everything works! Nevertheless, solo travelling doesn't mean dirty hostels, bad food and no nights out. Quite the contrary: with the right tips, everything is possible! If you’re looking for someone to show you the best Florentine food, cozy cafes, vintage markets and off-the-grid attractions, you’re in the right place. So open your heart and your mind and let me guide you through the history and culture of this amazing city and its amazing people!