Personal Tours in Tokyo: The Best Way to See the Sites of the City

By Hana Furuhashi

May 22, 2023

Personal Tours in Tokyo: The Best Way to See the Sites

Years ago, a friend gave me a small plaque. On it were the words...
"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." The author of the quote was a man named Howard Thurman, an American philosopher, and civil rights leader. He was known for speaking to people from his heart and reminding them of what is truly important in their lives.

I've carried that plaque with me for years...from trying to decide what university to attend to trying to decide what apartment to rent. And every time I've been confronted with a decision to make, I've asked myself this question, "What makes me come alive?"

Today, as an expat living in the city of Tokyo, I can answer that question with certainty. Tokyo makes me come alive. Tokyo has become my favorite place to be.

What Makes Tokyo So Alive?

Tokyo has a unique blend of modernity and tradition

As a Tokyo resident for several years now, I have fallen in love with the vibrant tapestry of this remarkable city. Tokyo has a unique blend of modernity and tradition that I've never found in another city. From its bustling city streets - illuminated by neon lights and towering skyscrapers - to its diverse neighborhoods - each with a personality all its own - this city pulses with an energy that never seems to stop.

And yet, Tokyo also has a subtle calm that is hard to explain until you witness it yourself. From its historical shrines to its serene city gardens, the city seems to understand the human need to slow down, to reflect, to re-energize ourselves in order to be fully present for each new moment presented to us.
Tokyo allows its people to move at their own pace, while also keeping up a pace of its own. With its history, constant innovation, global influence, and diverse cultural scene, Tokyo t ruly embodies a vibrant and alive spirit that makes it a captivating destination for all who visit.

Seeing Tokyo Through the Eyes of a Local Private Tour Guide

Personalized tours of Tokyo

Living in Tokyo is so amazing, it's hard not to want to share it with others. Deciding to work as a local private tour guide was an easy decision. Watching people become fully immersed in the various aspects of this city is such a joy that I can't wait until I'm introduced to a new person, couple, or group.

From individual private tours to larger group tours, I love to learn what someone is interested in and then show it to them...local style! Whether it's a desire to take a walking tour through the bustling markets and serene gardens, or a wish to experience the city's incredible food scene and awe-inspiring temples, I can't wait to be your Tokyo private tour guide as we explore the city's most revered spots and best places to immerse ourselves in.

Personalized tours of Tokyo are not always offered in local guidebooks or popular travel websites. Some tour guides want to give you a quick, three-hour crash course on the city, or encourage you to only visit the hotspots that they've grown accustomed to. These types of city tours don't take your personal interests into account. These types of city tours are run on the tour company's schedule and want to give you a day of sightseeing, not a truly immersive experience.

For those travelers who still want to see the main attractions, but don't want to feel like tourists, joining me or another of our unique tour guides at City Unscripted will give you a very different way to look at some of these most popular and important places around Tokyo.

Are these sites some of the most popular (aka: crowded)? Yes.
But are they also well worth visiting? Absolutely!

Whether it's the Imperial Palace, Shibuya Crossing, or one of the many well-known temples, skyscrapers, or shrines, these Tokyo sites have garnered their spot in guidebooks for a reason. To know Tokyo, every itinerary should include these landmarks. truly know Tokyo, a local guide and an unscripted tour will be needed to help you discover their true magnificence. Together, you and a local guide can create unforgettable memories - whether you're sticking to the typical hot spots or uncovering the hidden gems. Together, you and a local guide can discover the true essence of Tokyo, one captivating experience at a time.

Tokyo Private Tours: The Main Attractions

Explore the best parts of Tokyo

One of the most enchanting parts of Tokyo is the abundant mix of old and new in a city known for its historical significance and its cutting-edge modernity. Tokyo is the world's most populated city and it's no surprise that it has something to offer everyone.

Let's take a quick look at some of the most memorable spots in the city and let you begin thinking through which ones are on your bucket list to visit when you join me (or one of the other talented City Unscripted Tokyo private tour guides) for a unique private tour.

Remember, these may be some of the most visited spots in the city, but with a local guide you can get customizable tours that will be unique and allow you to experience these main attractions in a way others simply can't.

Shibuya Crossing

Shibuya Crossing is an experience like no other

Seeing Shibuya Crossing is an experience like no other and any trip to Tokyo will need to have at least a quick stop to see this side of Tokyo. Shibuya Crossing is a bustling intersection where streams of people converge and cross paths.

If you want to truly witness the energy of Tokyo's vibrant city life, a walking tour that includes Shibuya Crossing will allow you a chance to try your hand at navigating through the sea of pedestrians while surrounded by towering buildings and illuminated billboards. Almost all private tours in Tokyo will at some point include visiting this iconic landmark but doing it with a private tour guide, Tokyo will be seen from a much different perspective.

Temples and Shrines in Asakusa

A private tour of the majestic Sensoji Temple

Stepping into the enchanting world of Asakusa and exploring its historical temples and shrines is like taking a step back in time. A private tour of the majestic Sensoji Temple is a wonderful way to experience Tokyo's oldest Buddhist temple.

With its vibrant red gate and stunning architecture, you will be transfixed by the history in front of you and a walking tour with a knowledgeable tour guide like me or another City Unscripted local will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere as you stroll along Nakamise Shopping Street and enjoy all the traditional shops and local delicacies that are offered here.

Shinjuku Skyscrapers

Breathtaking cityscapes that captivate your imagination

Do you love skyscrapers? If towering structures and breathtaking cityscapes captivate your imagination, then a visit to Shinjuku with one of our local guides is a must. This vibrant district of Tokyo is renowned for its awe-inspiring buildings that pierce the sky. As you wander through the bustling streets, your gaze will be drawn upward, where architectural marvels like the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and the Tokyo Opera City Tower dominate the skyline.

Follow your guide as they take you into the soaring heights of observation decks and witness the sprawling cityscape stretching as far as the eye can see. The view from above is simply mesmerizing, with countless buildings, neon signs, and bustling streets spreading out in all directions.

Some private tours in Tokyo allow you to admire the panoramic vista during the day while others take you to witness the city illuminated by dazzling lights at night. The City Unscripted private guides will let you choose! But regardless of which time of day you prefer, the Shinjuku skyscrapers offer an unforgettable experience that truly showcases the grandeur and modernity of Tokyo.

Neon Lights of Akihabara

Referred to as the

If you are a tech whiz or just love all things electronic, then the neon lights of Akihabara will surely ignite your excitement. Stepping into this bustling district, often referred to as the "Electric Town," you'll find yourself immersed in a vibrant sea of colorful lights that pulsate with energy.

Akihabara is renowned as the epicenter of Japan's electronic and gaming culture, and the dazzling displays of neon signs adorning the streets create a surreal atmosphere that is both captivating and exhilarating, particularly if you are fortunate enough to experience it with a local guide who is as tech-obsessed as you.

As day turns into night, the district truly comes alive, with the neon lights casting an otherworldly glow on the surrounding buildings and filling the air with an electric buzz. The best walking tours of Akihabara will take you through the crowded streets and help you to explore the countless electronics stores, gaming arcades, and anime shops that line the area, each one illuminated by vibrant signs and beckoning you to delve into a world of technological wonders.

The neon lights of Akihabara are a testament to Tokyo's ability to blend traditional culture with cutting-edge innovation, creating an electrifying experience that is unlike any other. Many Tokyo private tours like to take travelers to Akihabara, but finding the right Tokyo tour guide to help you navigate this electronic maze will be an experience you won't soon forget.

Tokyo Tower

Visit iconic landmark during any day trip of Tokyo

Anyone who is a true thrill-seeker will find the ultimate of thrills when they ascend the Tokyo Tower.

I love visiting this iconic landmark during any day trip of Tokyo. The Tokyo Tower is reminiscent of the Eiffel Tower and offers breathtaking views of our beloved city and an unforgettable experience, whether this is your first time visiting, or have seen it hundred times before.

As your private tour guide, I will steer you into the tower's elevator and we will begin our ascent. For tourists and locals alike, it's hard not to feel the anticipation build with each passing floor. The moment we reach the observation deck, we will be greeted with panoramic vistas that stretch as far as the eye can see. The Tokyo Tower stands tall at 333 meters, providing a commanding vantage point to admire the city's vast urban landscape, its sprawling skyline adorned with towering buildings, and the intricate web of streets that weave together to create the bustling metropolis below.

Whether you want to visit during the day to witness Tokyo's vibrant energy, or you wish to visit at night when the city sparkles with countless lights, the Tokyo Tower offers an unparalleled perspective on the city. With the wind gently caressing your face and the sheer height of the tower amplifying the adrenaline coursing through your veins, it's a thrilling experience that will leave you in awe of Tokyo's grandeur and leave a lasting impression on your senses.

Ueno Park

 Ueno Park offers a peaceful retreat

If dazzling heights and frenzied lights are not quite your speed, then you will no doubt find what you're looking for during one of my private walking tours in Ueno Park, Tokyo's serene oasis in the heart of the city.

Nestled amidst the urban hustle and bustle, Ueno Park offers a peaceful retreat where nature and culture intertwine harmoniously. As we step into the park, a sense of tranquility washes can't help but wash over you, as your entire body feels embraced by the lush greenery, blooming flowers, and serene ponds that dot the landscape. Strolling along the winding pathways, we'll encounter beautifully manicured gardens, historic temples, and serene shrines that invite you to explore and reflect.

Ueno Park is not only a haven for nature enthusiasts, but it's also a cultural hub, home to some of Tokyo's finest museums and art galleries. Whether you wish to immerse yourself in ancient history at the Tokyo National Museum or admire some true contemporary masterpieces at the Ueno Royal Museum, Ueno Park offers a wealth of artistic treasures to discover. This hidden gem is a place where locals and visitors alike gather to relax, enjoy picnics under cherry blossom trees, or simply watch the world go by. It's a haven of peace and serenity amidst the vibrant energy of Tokyo, offering a perfect balance of natural beauty, cultural richness, and a respite from the bustling city streets.

Meiji Shrine

Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken

Another of my favorite spots for reflection and some historical awe is the Meiji Shrine, one of Tokyo's most revered and significant cultural landmarks. Every time I enter these sacred grounds, a sense of tranquility envelopes me, transporting me to a world steeped in tradition and spirituality. Dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, this majestic shrine stands as a symbol of Japan's rich history and deep-rooted traditions.

The towering wooden torii gate marks the entrance to the shrine and will beckon us inside to explore its vast precincts. The serene forested paths guide us through lush greenery, creating a serene and meditative atmosphere. The main shrine buildings, with their intricate wooden architecture and ornate details, are a testament to the country's craftsmanship and architectural brilliance. Once inside the shrine, we may have the opportunity to witness a traditional wedding ceremony or catch a glimpse of locals paying their respects and offering prayers. It's a place where ancient rituals and modern life intertwine seamlessly, creating a harmonious blend of past and present.

Visiting the Meiji Shrine is not just an opportunity to immerse yourself in Japan's history but also a chance to find solace in its tranquil beauty and experience a sense of spiritual serenity amidst the bustling metropolis of Tokyo.

Tokyo Private Tours: Come Explore with City Unscripted!

Let City Unscripted come along on your journey.

If you're ready to plan your trip to Tokyo, Japan and want to have an experience that's truly like no other, let City Unscripted come along on your journey.
Tokyo tours offered by a City Unscripted host will be different from what you've been used to in the past. Our talented people are not professional tour guides (whether or not they are licensed).

Instead, taking a walking tour with a City Unscripted host is more about sharing a city together and helping a traveler see it through a local's perspective. Our experiences are much more relaxed and spontaneous and for much smaller groups than what most tour operators can offer. Joining me or one of the other City Unscripted hosts will allow for deeper conversations, shared experiences and the uncovering of new and ever-changing gems in a city that is waiting to be seen through different eyes than usual.

Are you ready to come alive during your next travel destination? Are you ready to follow Howard Thurman's words and "go do it?" Then reach out to City Unscripted today and discover what we have waiting for you. Travel well. And travel in a way you will never forget.

Hello, curious traveler!
Embark on a unique experience with
Hello, curious traveler!
Embark on a unique experience with
City Unscripted Tokyo.
Our personalized, private tours, led by local hosts, make you feel like you’re exploring the city with a knowledgeable friend. We’ll take you to well-known sights and reveal Tokyo’s hidden gems, unveiling stories typically missed by traditional tours. So unscript your journey, and see Tokyo through the eyes of our local hosts!

We’ll pair you with the perfect host

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There is no better way to see a city than with a friend who lives there. This is why we carefully match guests with their perfect host based on interested, personality and type of experience so they can discover a city beyond the tourist trail.